Monday 5 December 2011

Theme Discussion Questions – Nick SimpsonDefinition of Theme (Source - Oxford Dictionary):· the subject of a talk, piece of writing, exhibition, etc.; a topic.· An essay written by a school pupil on a particular subject.· An idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature.
1) Is there one or more than one theme in the story?
There is one main theme which is Greek mythology. This theme is woven through the entire story and in every situation Percy finds himself in, Greek mythology is present. There is an underlying theme in the story which is perseverance, self sacrifice and bravery. In many instances Percy has to be brave and self sacrificing in order to be successful. For example, he has to save the world from Armageddon as well as leave his mother in the underworld until he has repaid Hades.
2) How is the Greek mythology theme woven throughout the story?This theme runs throughout the story through all of the explanations of the Greek gods and goddesses. When Chiron is explaining to Percy how he is a demi-god and what a demi-god is he explains how sometimes Gods or Goddesses would have an affair with mortal beings. This however was banned by Zeus after world war two as their offspring became too powerful. In conclusion, he is the son of Poseidon and he is not supposed to have happened according to the oath. This demonstrates that the theme of Greek mythology has been integrated into the story.3) How significant is this theme?This theme is very significant as the entire book is based on it. The bookis all about Greek mythology. For example, the main character is the son ofPoseidon. 4) What is the moral of this story and how does it relate to the theme?The moral of the story is that in order to prevail sacrifices have to be made. For example, Percy had to sacrifice leaving his mother in the underworld in order to save her in the end. This relates to the underlying theme of perseverance, self sacrifice and bravery being necessary in order to do the right thing no matter how risky it is.5) What message is the author trying to convey to the reading audience through the theme?The author is conveying the message of Percy being brave and self sacrificing in order to do what’s right even if it means going on a suicide mission to prevent an apocalypse from happening. He is making readers realize that no matter what the risks are in life, it is important to do the right thing.
6) What ideas/thoughts can you take away from the theme of this story and apply to your own life?Ideas or thoughts I can take away from this story relate to the moral and underlying theme of the story. In order to be successful, sacrifices, perseverance and bravery are required. In the story Percy demonstrates this when he fights off a Minotaur after his mother is sent to Hades. Percy also had to sacrifice leaving his mother in the underworld in order to save the world. In the end his mother returned from the underworld after he repaid Hades. In life, there will be times when you will need to persevere with something or be brave and self sacrificing in order to be successful.7) What topic does the theme cover which relates to real life?Again this relates to perseverance and bravery. In life, sometimes you need to face your fears and get over them. For example, if you are scared of heights you need to confront this fear and not avoid doing something because it involves heights. In the story Percy faces his fears when he goes on a suicide quest to save his mother and prevent an Armageddon.8) Does the underlying theme relate to today’s society?

The underlying theme of perseverance, self sacrifice and bravery relates to today’s society because these characteristics are necessary to be successful in life. If you don’t persevere and just give up you will never be successful at anything. Self sacrifice is often necessary when you need to put others needs ahead of your own or give up something in order to help another person. Bravery is needed when you are faced with a situation which is unfamiliar to you or frightening. You need to confront this fear in order to be successful in a given situation. Greek mythology (the main theme) is not present in our society however the themes of bravery, perseverance and sacrifice are clearly evident day to day life.9) What does the underlying theme show about Percy’s feelings towards his mother?Percy demonstrates perseverance, bravery and self sacrifice towards his mother when he goes on a suicide mission to save his mother and prevent an Armageddon.

10) If you could sum up the book in one sentence that reflects the theme, what would that sentence be?Percy Jackson, the unsuspecting demi-god who saved his mother and the entire world from an apocalypse through perseverance, bravery and self sacrifice.Nick Simpson

1 comment:

  1. all of those themes are good but one that i think would really sum up the book is that some the world as you know it, isn't the world as you know it and that no matter how overwelming things can get, you should never give up. just some ideas
