Thursday 8 December 2011

Journal #4

After reading the final portion of the book, the only thing that i can say! The ending of this book was so satisfying! A lot of predictions that i made while reading the book turned out to be right, for example Ares playing a large role in the end. I also really enjoyed the ending of the book because it ties up a lot of loose ends while still leaving some things unsolved which keeps you interested in the story. A couple of examples would be Medeusa's head, his mother's life, the real villain of the story. While still leaving things unsolved like, what Luke's role in the story will be, or how Kronos' plan to make the gods fall will continue. I really like that the book ended this way because it doesn't leave you wondering about too much, but about just enough to keep you very interested. Also i really enjoyed the ending of this book because it makes you feel like Percy's life has gotten a lot better, for example: Percy is no longer a criminal because of the mist that blocked the mortal's eyes, Percy's mother gets rid of Gabe meaning that Percy and his mother will be a lot happier. I think that because the story ended this way it really makes you feel good about the story because now you aren't thinking about problems with Percy's family but it also gives the story a lighter sort of comedy feel to it which most people enjoy. I think that because of this, most people who read Rick Riordan's "The Lightning Thief" will continue and read the entire series, I know that i will, can't wait to get started on the second book!


  1. i totaly agree with you about him leaving a ffew loose ends to keep you reading on through the story. Like the idea that the one who was the mastermind behind everything was Kronos

  2. I also liked the ending very much. As I read it I thought that it would have just been adding extra fillers when talk to about Percy going back to the camp. At the time I thought it would have been better to end the book right then and there, but as I finished I realized it was needed in order to find out who the real traitor was. It also provided a good hook for the next book.

  3. I also liked the ending very much. As I read it I thought that it would have just been adding extra fillers when talk to about Percy going back to the camp. At the time I thought it would have been better to end the book right then and there, but as I finished I realized it was needed in order to find out who the real traitor was. It also provided a good hook for the next book.
