Monday 28 November 2011

2nd Session Discussion Questions (Character)

1. In the events leading up to the reveal of Percy's true identity. What clues foreshadow which god he is son of?

Some clues that foreshadow his true identity are when Percy was on the field trip to the museum and the fountain seemed to grab Nancy. Another clue is when Percy's class at camp Half-Blood were sword fighting, Percy dumped water on his head, and then felt energized and beat Luke in a duel.

2. When the attack on the bus with the three Furies took place. Annabeth, and Grover thought the Furies went easy on them. In your opinion, why do you think they went easy on them?

In my opinion I think the Furies went easy on them because they were not trying to kill them. during their attack you may recall one of the Furies asking Annabeth and Grover, "Where is it." This makes it clear that they were just looking for the master bolt.

3. Would you have trusted a creepy woman, in a weird store, who did not show her face to take you in, and give you food?

Upon regular circumstances I would not have trusted a woman of her nature for many reasons. For one she is a stranger and it is never wise to trust strangers. Also the way she presented herself so openly to them, standing in the doorway of a creepy statue shop. This would have made me turn back right away. On the other hand given their situation, the fact that they were starving and exhausted would have made them more passive.

4. When Percy sent Medusa's head to Mount Olympus. Annabeth and Grover were silent. What do you think was on each of their minds?

I think that in this situation Annabeth and Grover each had different thoughts on this. Annabeth was probably thinking that it was a bad idea to send but also a good one. I think that part of her was scared of what the gods reaction was going to be. Also I think that part of her thought that it was a bold, but good statement by Percy. On the other hand I think that Grover believed that it was not a good idea, as he thought it was an insult to the gods, but he was too unconfident to bring it up with Percy.

5. In Percy's dream the cold, ancient voice told him to help bring him to power. What do you think, at the time, Percy perceives in this dream?

I think that Percy understands that on this quest something bad will happen. He just hasn't figured it out yet. I also think that he believes that their is an evil force that that he will have to battle in the end.

6. The relationship between Percy, and Annabeth started out a little rocky but then started to lighten and Annabeth started to almost like Percy, how do you think their relationship will play out throughout the rest of the book?

I think that their relationship will become stronger and maybe even become more sensual. I think that deep down Annabeth really does have feelings for Percy.

7. Before the three depart on their Quest, Mr. Brunner says that he wished he could have trained Percy more, as he did with Hercules. Do you think that this made Percy more confident or less confident in his abilities?

I think that this may have made Percy a little less confident in his abilities. That being said, at the time Percy was soo overwhelmed with other things, and other thoughts, that there was no room in his mind to be confident.

8. After eating the food at Madusa's statue store, Percy was feeling drowsy. Do you think Madusa put something in his food? Or was he just tired from the long day?

I think it is possible that she put something in their food. I also think that it would make sense for her to do so, in order to make her victims more calm when she takes their picture.

9. Do you predict that the attacks on the Percy, Grover, and Annabeth will become more intense? If so, what do you predict will happen to them?

Yes I do think that the attacks on them will intensify. I think that maybe someone may get hurt, or maybe someone close to in relation to them may die.

10. The Proficy said Percy will fail to save what is most important in the end. Most will think he will fail to save either the Bolt or his mom. Can you think of anything else he could fail to save?

Other than the bolt, and his Percy's mom I think that Percy could fail to save a close friend or maybe even himself.

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